The below codes are used when scripting Action Points. There are many codes, many with a number of options. This allows you to create unique events in an infinite number of possibilities. If you put the correct codes in sequence there is very little you can't do.
Code 30 Pick on Check Vs. Attribute / Special Abilities
ID Extra Codes ID
Use: This will allow you to PICK characters from the party according to the success of a check vs. a specific ability. Example: You could have each character who fails to perform an "Acrobatic Act" fall in a pit and take damage.
Options: None
E-Codes: 1) What Attribute / Special Ability To Check
3) Who to check: 0 = Picked, 1 = Everyone, 2 = Alive
4) 0 = Check Special Ability, 1 = Check Attribute
Note: The +/- Modifier for checks vs. special abilities is a percentage check. Example: If the character has a 40% chance to perform an acrobatic act, they will be successful 40% of the time. If you have a Modifier of +20 they will be successful 60% of the time.
Checks on attributes is base 25. Example: If a character has a agility score of 16, then 16 out of 25 times they will be successful on a check vs.. agility. If you put a modifier of -5 then they will only be successful 9 out of 25 times.
Code 31 Branch on Check Vs. Attribute / Special Abilities
ID Extra Codes ID
Use: This will allow you to branch to one of two different Extra Action Points depending on a characters successful check vs. a specific ability. A CODE 31 will automatically ask the player to select one character for this check.
Options: None
E-Codes: 1) What Attribute / Special Ability To Check
Note: The +/- Modifier for checks vs. special abilities is a percentage check. Example: If the character has a 40% chance to perform an acrobatic act, they will be successful 40% of the time. If you have a Modifier of +20 they will be successful 60% of the time.
Checks on attributes is base 25. Example: If a character has a agility score of 16, then 16 out of 25 times they will be successful on a check vs.. agility. If you put a modifier of -5 then they will only be successful 9 out of 25 times.
Code 32 Offer Temple
ID Inflation Rate of Temple (100 = 100% or Normal Prices)
Use: Will allow the player to enter a temple for healing and money changing. The inflation can range from 0 to 32,000 An inflation of 100 = 100% or normal prices. An inflation of 200 = 200% or Double Prices.
Options: None
E-Codes: None
Code 33 Take Gold
ID Amount of gold to take
Use: Allows you to ask players if they wish to pay a specific amount of gold or gems and will branch accordingly if they say YES and actually have the requested amount.
Options: A negative value for ID will cause the game to attempt to take the same amount in Gems instead of gold.
E-Codes: 1) How Much Gold, Negative Value = Take Gems Instead
2) 0 = Cont If Poss, 1 = Cont If Not Poss, 2 = Force Branch,
-1 = Goto Last Code If Not Poss
3) 0 = X-AP, 1 = Within Simple, 2 = Within Complex
4) X-AP/Branch No. (0-3 For Branch)
5) Code/ID No. 0 = Top Code
Code 34 Break Encounter Loop (Usable only within encounters)
ID None
Use: Allows you to stop execution of an encounter and return control back to the Action Point that called the encounter. The codes will continue after the code that called the encounter you just left.
Options: None
E-Codes: None
Code 35 Eliminate Simple Encounter Option
ID Simple Encounter Option (1 to 4) To Eliminate.
Use: Allows you to remove one of the four possible choices from a Simple Encounter. The next time current Simple Encounter is displayed, the eliminated options will be blank. This only works for the currently running Simple Encounter. To eliminate a choice for an encounter that is not currently running, use code 41.
Options: None
E-Codes: None
Code 36 Capture / Restore Party's Equipment
ID 0 = Restore Equipment, 1 = Capture Equipment
Use: Allows you to remove all the equipment from the party. The equipment is kept in storage until you restore the equipment. In addition to all equipment. All monitary wealth is also captured and restored along with the equipment.
Options: None
E-Codes: None
Note: All the equipment is restored to the party exactly as it was when it was captured. Any equipment the party has obtained between the time it was captured and then restored will be given to the party via the 'Treasure Collection Screen' after the old equipment is restored. All monitary wealth will be split up evenly between all party members.
Code 37 Dungeon Move
ID Extra Codes ID
Use: Allows you to move a party into or out of a dungeon. Since Land Level information is kept separately for land and dungeons, it's possible to have a Level 1 land and a Level 1 dungeon. To move the party back and forth between the two, you need to use this code.
negative heading value will cause the party to only have 3D
view mode when they enter the dungeon.
Note: Code 37 terminates a script. Any codes you have after a code 37 will not be executed.
Code 38 Continue On Possession, Else Branch Within Encounters.
ID Extra Codes ID
Use: Allows you to check for a specific item and branch depending on whether or not someone in the party possess it. This is similar to CODE 21 which allows you to branch to different encounters/Action Points, however, this code lets you branch to different scripts within a specific encounter.
Options: None
E-Codes: 1) Item ID to check for.
2) 0 = Cont On Poss, 1 = Cont not Poss
3) 0 = X-AP, 1 = Within simple, 2 = Within complex
4) X-AP/Branch No. (0-3 if within encounter)
5) Code No. (0 = top Code/ID)
E-Code 3) Lets you send the party to an X-AP or, if they are already inside of a simple or complex encounter, you can shift them to a different result script.
Simple and Complex encounters have 4 scripts built into them that handle the choices of the party. If you want, you can use a Code 38 to shift them from one to another depending on whether or not they have a specific item.
As an example, assume you are executing script Result no. 1 and check to see if they have Item X. If they do, you can send them to Result no. 4.
It's just a fancy way to move them about inside a simple or complex encouter. It does not all the frequent a thing to do really but its there.
E-Code 5) Code No. (0 = top Code/ID) If you change them to a different result script, you can either start them at the top of the script, or you can start them part way down the script. If you place a value of 3 here, it would start them at the 4th Code/ID pair (0 counts as the top) of the new script you sent them to.
Code 39 Extend Action Point Script
ID Extra Action Point ID to use as a continuation of current AP.
Use: This will allow you to extend the 8 Code/ID limit of an Action Point. When a CODE 39 is reached, it will load the Extra Action Point specified in the ID and continue executing codes as if it were the same Action Point.
Options: None
E-Codes: None
Code 40 Branch on Party Condition
ID Extra Codes ID
Use: Allows you to branch to a different Extra Action Point depending on the existence of specific party conditions brought about by such spells as Levitate or Waterworld.
2 = Branch if condition does not exsist, else continue script.
2) Type of Branch: 0 = No Branch, 1 = X-AP,
2 = Simple Encounter, 3 = Complex Encounter
3) X-AP/Encounter No.
4) Party condition to check for. (0-8 See Key Code Menu)
Code 41 Eliminate Other Encounter Choice
ID Extra Codes ID
Use: Similar to CODE 35, this will eliminate one of the 4 possible choices for a Simple Encounter. However, this will eliminate the choice of ANY encounter at any time.
Options: None
E-Codes: 1) Simple Encounter No.
2) Choice No. To Eliminate (1-4)
Code 42 Continue on Percent Chance
ID Extra Codes ID
Use: Allows you to specify a percent chance that an action of a specified type will happen. Otherwise, the codes will continue to be executed.
Options: None
E-Codes: 1) Percent Chance of Happening, Else Continue Codes
2) 1 = Branch, 2 = Exit & Save Codes,
-2 = Exit & Erase Codes
3) 0 = X-AP, 1 = Within Simple, 2 = Within Complex
4) X-AP/Branch No. (0-3)
5) Code No. (0 = Top Code/ID)
E-Code 2) If the check vs. percent is successful in E-Code 1, then you can determin the type of branch here. You can have it branch to an X-AP, or have it exit the current script and either save the script or erase it.
E-Code 3) If you choose to have them branch (Code of 1 in E-Code 2) then you can pick the type of branch here.
E-Code 4)
Simple and Complex encounters have 4 scripts built into them that handle the choices of the party.
As an example, assume you are executing script Result no. 1 and check to see if they have Item X. If they do, you can send them to Result no. 4.
E-Code 5) Code No. (0 = top Code/ID) If you change them to a different result script, you can either start them at the top of the script, or you can start them part way down the script. If you place a value of 3 here, it would start them at the 4th Code/ID pair (0 counts as the top) of the new script you sent them to.
Code 43 Give Condition
ID Extra Codes ID
Use: Will allow you to give characters a specified condition. Negative values will be permanent unless that character already suffers from the specified condition in a permanent way.
3) Duration/Magnitude (Negative Values Are Permanent)
4) Sound ---Optional---
Code 44 Eliminate Complex Encounter Choice
ID Branch To Eliminate (0-3)
Use: This will allow you to eliminate one of the 4 possible branches in the currently executing Complex Encounter.
Options: None
E-Codes: None
Code 45 Teleport Only
ID Extra Codes ID
Use: This code will allow you to move the party around without fear of having the Action Point codes that are on the party's target location from being executed.
Options: None
E-Codes: 1) Land Level ID (-1 = No Change)
2) X-Coord (-1 = No Change)
3) Y-Coord (-1 = No Change)
4) Sound ---Optional---
Note: A value of -1 in E-Code 1, 2 or 3 will tell the game NOT to make any change. It will remain the current value in the game. Example: If you set E-Code to -1 and the party is on level 4 they will move to the new X: Y: position on Level 4.
Code 46 Branch on Quest (See code 72 for more options)
ID Extra Codes ID
Use: This will allow you to branch depending on whether a specified quest has been set or not.
Options: None
E-Codes: 1) Quest ID To Branch On..
2) 0 = Continue On Quest Set, 1 = Continue If Not Set
3) 0 = X-AP, 1 = Within simple, 2 = Within complex
4) X-AP/Branch No. (0-3)
5) Code No. (0 = Top Code/ID)
The E-Codes work the same as for Code 38 except the test criteria is for a Quest ID set to TRUE instead of whether or not somebody in the party has a particular item. See code 36 for more detail on the E-Codes.
Note: See code 72 for more options.
Code 47 Set Quest
ID Quest ID to Set/Clear
Use: Use this code to set or clear a quest completion.
Options: A negative Quest in the ID will clear that quest.
Example: Code 47 ID -11 will clear Quest 11.
E-Codes: None
Code 48 Selective Battle
ID Extra Codes ID
Use: This code requires you to perform a PICK CHARACTERS of some type prior to using it. This code will instigate a battle with only those characters who have been picked. It also allows you to award a specific treasure if the characters were victorious.
Options: None
E-Codes: 1) Low Range of Battle ID
2) High Range of Battle ID
3) Sound ---Optional---
4) Message ---Optional---
5) Treasure On Victory
Code 49 Offer Banking
ID None
Use: Place a Code 49 just prior to a code 6 (Offer shop) or a code 19 (Offer Temple) and the bank or temple will allow access to banking functions.
Eample Script:
Code 49 ID Blank
Code 6 ID Bank ID
When the player enters the shop as dictated by the Code 6, they will have access to the bank.
Code 50 Pick On Race • Caste • Race Class • Caste Class • Gender
ID Extra Codes ID
Use: Allows you to PICK a character by testing their Race or Gender.
Use: Allows you to PICK characters based on their caste.
Options: None
E-Codes: 1) Specific Caste Only: See Key Codes
2) Caste Types: 1=Fighter Types, 2=Magical Types, 3=Monk/Rogue
3) Check: 0 = All, 1=Alive Only, 2=Check Picked Only
Code 54 Alter Time Encounter
ID Extra Codes ID
Use: Use this code to change a time based encounter.
Options: None
E-Codes: 1) Time Encounter ID
2) New % Chance Of Activation (-1 = No Change)
3) New Day Increment (-1 = No Change)
4) 1 = Reset to current date
5) Days to add to next activation (-1 = No Change)
What does -1 = No Change mean? Simply, if you don't want the current value to change, whatever it may be, just put a -1 here and the value currently in the timed encounter will remain.
1) Time Encounter ID to be altered.
2) New % Chance of Activation. You MUST fill this out. If you leave it blank it will assume you want a new value of 0.
3) New Day Increment. If this encounter is to be activated on a repeating cycle, place the number of days between activation here.
4) If you want the encounter to be activated 3 days from the present time, then place a 1 in this field. It will change the day of activation to the present day PLUS the value in 5).
5) Days until the next activation. If you want it to be activated in 10 days from the current date, place a 1 in E-CODE no. 4 and a value of 10 in E-CODE no. 5
For more information see chapter "Time Encoutner Editor"
Code 55 Branch on Picked
ID Extra Codes ID
Use: Use this code to branch if some or all characters are currently picked.
Options: None
E-Codes: 1) Success on: 0 = Any PC is picked, 1-6 = Specific is Picked,
(-X) = X Number Picked or more.
2) Type of Branch: 0 = Exit Codes on Fail,
1 = Branch to X-AP on Fail, 2 = String & Exit on Fail
3) Not Used
4) X-AP on Success
5) X-AP on Fail if Type of Branch = 1 / String ID on Fail
Code 56 Branch on Battle Outcome
ID Extra Codes ID
Use: Use this code to branch to an X-AP or back the party up a step if they fail to achive victory in battle.
Options: None
E-Codes: 1) Battle Number: Low Battle Number for Range Battle
2) High Battle Number for Range Battle
3) If defeated branch to X-AP, Else -1 = Backstep One
4) Sound. (Optional)
5) String ID to display prior to battle. (Optional)
E-Codes 1 and 2 are the same as for Code 2.
3) If the party wins the battle the script will continue. If they loose it will either branch to an X-AP you specify here or if you use a -1 here it will back the party up one step. This may force them to have to try again as they can't get past that point unless they are victorious.
Code 57 Change Land Look
ID Extra Codes ID
Use: Use this code to change the type of land tiles used in a level.
Options: None
E-Codes: 1) New type of land to be used.
2) 0 = Make level Daytime, 1 = Make level Dark
3) Land level to alter.
Because they tile sets may not be the same for each land level the only change that will really work with any amount of success is from Plains to Underground or vise vesa.
You have to be very careful with this as many of the tiles may turn into something other than what you expect and special land tiles may be need to be changed as well.
I put this in by request of users but personaly I don't think it will be of great use but here it is anyway.
Code 58 Branch on Difficulty Level
ID Extra Codes ID
Use: Allows you to branch depending on the difficulty setting the player has chosen for the game.
Options: None
E-Codes: 1) Perform if Difficulty is X or Harder: (1 Easy, 2, 3, 4, 5 Hard)
If Difficulty is X or Harder, Perfrom Item 2
2) 1 = Branch, 2 = Exit Codes & Save Codes,
-2 = Exit Codes & Erase Codes
3) 0 = X-AP, 1 = Within Simple, 2 = Within Complex
4) X-AP/Branch No. (0-3)
5) Code No. (0 = Top Code/ID)
E-Code 3) If you choose to have them branch (Code of 1 in E-Code 2) then you can pick the type of branch here.
E-Code 4) Simple and Complex encounters have 4 scripts built into them that handle the choices of the party.
As an example, assume you are executing script Result no. 1 and check to see if they have Item X. If they do, you can send them to Result no. 4.
It's just a fancy way to move them about inside a simple or complex encouter.
E-Code 5) Code No. (0 = top Code/ID) If you change them to a different result script, you can either start them at the top of the script, or you can start them part way down the script. If you place a value of 3 here, it would start them at the 4th Code/ID pair (0 counts as the top) of the new script you sent them to.
Code 59 Branch on Tile ID Check
ID Extra Codes ID
Use: Allows you to branch depending on whether or not the party is standing on a particular tile ID or is currently in a specific land tile set. An example of a use for this may be to allow the party to fall into or avoid a trap if they are standing on a particular location when they utter a magic words.
Note: This will not work in dungeons.
Options: None
E-Codes: 1) Tile ID To Check For. If Party Is On Tile ID Perform Item 2
2) 1 = Branch, 2 = Exit Codes & Save Codes,
-2 = Exit Codes & Erase Codes
3) 0 = X-AP, 1 = Within Simple, 2 = Within Complex
4) X-AP/Branch No. (0-3)
5) Code No. (0 = Top Code/ID)
E-Code 3) If you choose to have them branch (Code of 1 in E-Code 2) then you can pick the type of branch here.
E-Code 4) Simple and Complex encounters have 4 scripts built into them that handle the choices of the party.
As an example, assume you are executing script Result no. 1 and check to see if they have Item X. If they do, you can send them to Result no. 4.
It's just a fancy way to move them about inside a simple or complex encouter.
E-Code 5) Code No. (0 = top Code/ID) If you change them to a different result script, you can either start them at the top of the script, or you can start them part way down the script. If you place a value of 3 here, it would start them at the 4th Code/ID pair (0 counts as the top) of the new script you sent them to.